October 17 - October 20, 2016. Quito. EC

Humanæ is a photographic work in progress by artist Angélica Dass, an unusually direct reflection on the color of the skin, attempting to document humanity’s true colors rather than the untrue labels “white”, “red”, “black” and “yellow” associated with race. It’s a project in constant evolution seeking to demonstrate that what defines the human being is its inescapably uniqueness and, therefore, its diversity. The background for each portrait is tinted with a color tone identical to a sample of 11 x 11 pixels taken from the nose of the subject and matched with the industrial pallet Pantone®, which, in its neutrality, calls into question the contradictions and stereotypes related to the race issue. More than just faces and colors in the project there are almost 4,000 volunteers, with portraits made in 20 different countries and 36 different cities around the world, thanks to the support of cultural institutions, political subjects, governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. The direct and personal dialogue with the public and the absolute spontaneity of participation are fundamental values of the project and connote it with a strong vein of activism. The project does not select participants and there is no date set for its completion. From someone included in the Forbes list, to refugees who crossed the Mediterranean Sea by boat, or students both in Switzerland and the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. At the UNESCO Headquarters, or at a shelter. All kinds of beliefs, gender identities or physical impairments, a newborn or terminally ill, all together build Humanae. All of us, without labels.
Currently more than 4000 images exist in the project. They have been taken in 36 cities, in 20 different countries: Arteixo, Madrid, Barcelona, Getxo, Bilbao and Valencia (Spain), Paris (France), Bergen (Norway), Winterthur, Chiasso (Switzerland), Groningen, The Hague (Netherlands), Dublin (Ireland), London (UK), Tyumen (Russia), Gibellina and Vita (Italy), Vancouver, Montreal (Canada), New York, San Francisco, Gambier, Pittsburgh and Chicago (USA), Quito (Ecuador), Valparaíso (Chile), Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Córdoba (Argentina), New Delhi (India), Daegu (South Korea) Wenzhou and Shanghai (China), Ciudad de México, Oaxaca (Mexico) and Addis Abeba (Ethiopia).

All rights reserved. Reproduction of all images on this site, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Angelica Dass©, is prohibited.
PANTONE® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of, and are used with the written permission of, Pantone LLC. PANTONE Color identification is solely for artistic purposes and not intended to be used for specification. All rights reserved.
October 07 - December 10, 2017. Chiasso, CH
Biennale dell’immagine
March 31, 2016 - September 19, 2017. Mediterranean, EU
Identity Flows
March 09, 2020 - December 05, 2021. New York, US
American Museum Of Natural History
Public Speaking
November 20, 2016 . Vancouver, CA
TED – The beauty of human skin in every color
May 20, 2018 . New York, US
TED – What kids should know about race
July 18, 2016 . São Paulo, BR
TEDx São Paulo
July 22, 2020
Artist and identity boxes at CCCB
July 22, 2020
Teachers of the future at ESCUNI
July 22, 2020
Playing and reflecting at TED
July 22, 2020