Soy adolescente, ¿y qué más?

Soy Adolescente y qué mas? [I’m a teenager, so what else?] is a multidisciplinary and collective project whose mission is to create a space for close observation, without prior conditioning, of the complexity of the most creative period of our lives.

In the process we have counted on the active collaboration of the students of: C.E.I.P.S.O Miguel de Cervantes, Alcorcón; I.E.S. SIGLO XXI, Leganés; I.E.S. Federico García Lorca, Las Rozas and I.E.S. Barrio Simancas, Madrid.

The project uses portraits, landscapes, still lifes, videos and texts to create a choral narrative, where we can explore the collective while getting closer to individuals. Placing teenagers as protagonists, serving as a loudspeaker to amplify their reflections and claiming with their own arguments the facets of their own existence, accepting their lights and shadows.

Soy Adolescente y qué mas? [I’m a teenager, so what else?] has been and is a great learning opportunity. An opportunity for us to reconnect with this stage, where we often feel imprisoned by so many expectations, and, in this way, to understand how we can accompany and grow with future generations.

This project was made possible thanks to the Artivism Award grant from the Bertha Foundation.

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#SAYQM – I’m a teenager, so what else? A collective project of adolescent self-definition collected in an iridescent binder with portraits, objects and words in different pieces, cards and foldouts. PHREE

Finalist for Best Photography Book of the Year in the national category PHotoEspaña 23.

Making Of





January 10, 2023

Angélica Dass gives voice to teenagers

January 10, 2023

“I’m a teenager, so what else?” at the Condeduque Centre

January 10, 2023

‘I’m a teenager, so what else?’ with Angélica Dass

January 10, 2023

‘I’m a teenager, so what else?’ by Angélica Dass

January 10, 2023

A photographic exhibition on identity

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