
VECINAS (NEIGHBORS) is a collaborative project between photographer Angelica Dass and the Malian High Council in Spain focused into approach the stories of different women born in Mali, who have migrated to Spain.

It starts as a collaboration with the NGO Alliance for Solidarity and is structured as a narrative puzzle made with own and others’ pieces, trying to rethink the stereotypes that we see every day in the media about Sub-Saharan migration. The project uses archive photos from their past live in Mali, weaved with contemporary images made by Angélica Dass, tracing similarities and particularities of lives, expectations and struggles, backgrounds, and female horizons, trying to make links between places and customs, everyday life, desires, memories.

The ultimate goal was to generate a single edition newspaper, where participants can give their neighboring its own history, its true history. This completes a particular narrative but common, a  global but custom in each of them, beyond stereotypes, clichés, or reduced vision of who they really are.

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Public Speaking



December 03, 2015

ʻVecinasʼ, para combatir estereotipos

December 08, 2015

Mulheres de Mali nas lentes de Angélica Dass

October 21, 2018

África dentro de América

July 12, 2017

Een mens is niet zwart of wit

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