Humanae is a photographic work in progress by artist Angélica Dass. Currently composed of almost 4,000 portraits from volunteers all around the globe, Humanæ pursues to document humanity’s true colors and bring up a critical reflection on the white, red, black and yellow false labels associated with race. The project does not select participants and there is no date set for its completion. It is a journey of open-ended possibilities that enriches the way we see ourselves, beyond faces and colors. Nowadays, the artist has been doing portraits in 36 different cities and 20 different countries.

Contemporary photography is the perfect means to trigger this reconstruction for many reasons. For the great fascination it plays on the public and for the unrest in which it lays. While we speak, it has already changed, it continuously changes. And those who redefine it are not the photographers, the academy, the editors. It is rather the market, the technology and the users, the public itself. And thus, while we attempt to contain, preserve, and safeguard photography, its name has changed once again, already. So that those who should actually be the protagonists of this redefinition opt out, self-deceptively believing they are the ones who govern the changes.

We would like to be a small, new space where this dialogue can seek refuge. We believe that trying to redefine the borders of this rapidly changing universe, where avantguard and fiction are blending with reality, where all breaks up to reunite again, can offer a deeper understanding.
This is the starting point, avvoiding all dogma, and confiding in the infidelity of the sea. PhEST entrusted the artistic direction to Giovanni Troilo and the photography curatorship to Arianna Rinaldo.


About Humanae
February 26, 2021 - April 30, 2025. United States of America
The Bias Inside Us – Smithsonian
March 09, 2020 - December 05, 2021. New York, US
American Museum Of Natural History
July 01, 2016 - January 13, 2025. Milan, IT