May 14 - May 18, 2018. CH

Racism, audism and arts in Santiago de Chile

This project was organized in collaboration with Laboratorio de Arte Lóbulo Temporal, an experimental platform in Santiago de Chile that builds and disseminates artistic and educational proposals where deaf and hearing people are incorporated. First of all, Angélica made a workshop where the children, besides painting their self-portraits, answered creatively to questions about their skin color and identity to reflect on diversity. The result was exhibited in a large installation inside a Santiago subway station. In addition, the students prepared a play based on the reflections and ideas they had come up with after working with Angelica.

I think if the world had people who were less prejudiced and more human, it would be a better place


About Humanae

Humanae is a photographic work in progress by artist Angélica Dass. Currently composed of almost 4,000 portraits from volunteers all around the globe, Humanæ pursues to document humanity’s true colors and bring up a critical reflection on the white, red, black and yellow false labels associated with race. The project does not select participants and there is no date set for its completion.  It is a journey of open-ended possibilities that enriches the way we see ourselves, beyond faces and colors. Nowadays, the artist has been doing portraits in 36 different cities and 20 different countries.

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