June 28, 2018

Matrescence, the transition into motherhood. In progress
When a baby is born, so is a mother — but the natural (and sometimes unsteady) process of transition to motherhood is often silenced by shame or misdiagnosed as postpartum depression. In a cross-disciplinary project at TED Residency in collaboration with Alexandra Sacks (M.D. Reproductive Psychiatrist) and Angélica Dass (photographer) we aim to explore visually the breaks down the emotional tug-of-war of becoming a new mother — and shares a term that could help describe it: matrescence. It was a personal journey around New York City to visit the homes of mothers who volunteered to share their stories with us for narratives as well as photography and video. We went from the Bronx to Manhattan to Brooklyn to Queens, visiting pregnant women, breastfeeding women, women with school-aged children, women who had experienced miscarriage and loss, single women, married women, and LGBTQ+ women… And so, our “Motherhood Unfiltered” project was born.
We aim to continue exploring this conversation in Madrid and in Rio de Janeiro.

Pregnancy is not only the process of giving birth to your new baby—it’s also the process of giving birth to a new you.

Am I a bad mother because I’d rather sleep in than get up and play with my kids?

I`m not a natural mother (who is exactly?)

I reflect on how to educate my son about racism and white privilege

I don’t see myself as a "baby person" I feared if I have what it takes to be the mom I am today.