September 14, 2023 - January 21, 2024. Berlín, GR

NUDE – Fotografiska

NUDE is an international Fotografiska exhibition featuring the works of 30 female artists from 20 different countries who challenge traditional constructions around the politics of the body.

NUDE addresses the centuries-long fascination with the naked body and explores the balance between “the nude” as an idealized form versus an honest, natural, and personal artistic expression. The nude body as a conduit to explore the intersection of gender, race, and culture.

In this exhibition of over 200 works, the viewer receives a comprehensive global view of what the body means, how it is used, and what it tells us about modern society. It is an attempt to redefine boundaries of representation, sparking a revolution that celebrates diversity, challenges conventional norms, and empowers both the artist and the audience.

Curator: Johan Vikner and Thomas Schäfer

The artists explore the complexities surrounding the representation of nudity in art and challenge historical limitations



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About Humanae

Humanae is a photographic work in progress by artist Angélica Dass. Currently composed of almost 4,000 portraits from volunteers all around the globe, Humanæ pursues to document humanity’s true colors and bring up a critical reflection on the white, red, black and yellow false labels associated with race. The project does not select participants and there is no date set for its completion.  It is a journey of open-ended possibilities that enriches the way we see ourselves, beyond faces and colors. Nowadays, the artist has been doing portraits in 36 different cities and 20 different countries.

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