May 23 - September 02, 2019. San Francisco, USA

Self, Made: Exploring you in a world of we – Exploratorium

Have you ever wondered what makes you you? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are your cells “you”—and are they still you if they live on long after your death? Can a change of costume change your way of thinking? Question your assumptions, weigh your psychic baggage, and dare yourself to try on a new persona as you explore both self and society. Dive into the universe of you and spark great conversations at this bold yet playful all-ages exhibition that Humanae is part. Whether you find yourself, lose yourself, or reinvent yourself, our hope was invite you to be part of the experiment.


This is an ethical project to provide visitors with a range of tools to better understand and grapple with the most complicated aspects of identity.

Dr. Ramzi Fawaz


About Humanae

Humanae is a photographic work in progress by artist Angélica Dass. Currently composed of almost 4,000 portraits from volunteers all around the globe, Humanæ pursues to document humanity’s true colors and bring up a critical reflection on the white, red, black and yellow false labels associated with race. The project does not select participants and there is no date set for its completion.  It is a journey of open-ended possibilities that enriches the way we see ourselves, beyond faces and colors. Nowadays, the artist has been doing portraits in 36 different cities and 20 different countries.

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