November 17, 2021
On the occasion of the commemoration of World Day for Cultural Diversity, the photographer Angélica Dass will present a preview of the project Sustrairik gabeko zuhaitzak ez du aurrera egiten – A tree without roots does not thrive, in six schools in Bilbao.
Sustrairik gabeko zuhaitzak ez du aurrera egiten – A tree without roots does not thrive is the project that the photographer Angelica Dass is developing in six schools in Bilbao as part of the Art for Change Call of the Fundación la Caixa to promote art and culture as drivers of change.
The project promotes the development of artistic processes that are generated from a positive choral narrative of migrations and cultural diversity in the community. It proposes to work on image, identity and the archive with students in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate. The students research the memory and family albums of internal and international migrations. The aim is to create a collective and multidisciplinary work that enables us to identify common elements and to point out that migration and cultural diversity are consubstantial to human nature and community life. Recognising diversity, promoting equality and positive interaction are central elements in the intercultural city project.
Six ephemeral installations will be inaugurated as part of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, promoted by UNESCO and jointly commemorated by Bilbao City Council, UN Etxea and the participating schools.
Dates of the installations:
● On 21 May at IES Ibarrekolanda, IES Txurdinaga Behekoa BHI and Centro Formativo Otxarkoaga.
● On 23 May at IES Martín Bertendona BHI, IES Miguel de Unamuno and IES Artabe.
Sustrairik gabeko zuhaitzak ez du aurrera egiten – A tree without roots does not thrive, is a project under construction by Angélica Dass that will have its final presentation in Bilbao on 18 December to commemorate the International Day of Migrants.